What is CRM and what is it for?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a tool for effective customer relationship management.

Customer data is crucial for the success of your business, and CRM keeps your B2B/B2C data in one place and interlinked - no more information chaos and searching for all documents.

CRM functions

More about the application

The CRM application is customizable to meet your business needs.

It's available online, and all you need to use it is a web browser.

Application Samples:

Company Details

Company Records

People in the Company

Person Details

All Records

Record Detail

Average Company Ratings
hodnocení typu
Company Ratings by Type

Ratings by Seller

Do you want to try CRM?

You can try the application immediately here.

In this demo version, randomly generated (meaningless) data is provided for demonstration purposes. You can freely edit, add, and delete this data.

You can log in to the application using one of the four user names, each with different permissions: demo1, demo2, demo3, or demo4. The password is always crm.
User demo1 has the "editor-in-chief" permission, which allows them to see and edit all records.
Users demo2, demo3, and demo4 have "editor" permissions, so they can only view the content of records in their respective groups (each user has a different group).
I'd be happy to answer any questions you have.

Are you interested in using CRM?

You have two options for running the CRM application:

1. Service: You can use the CRM application online, based on a monthly fee that depends on the number of users.

2. Installation: You have the option to have the CRM application installed on your own server for a one-time cost.

In both cases, the application can be customized to meet your specific requirements.

For pricing details, please contact me.

E-mail: info(***antispam***@***antispam***)tygu(***antispam***.***antispam***)cz

Phone: +420 737 524 456

Contact form:

name e-mail address message

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